Deciding on a new treatment can raise a lot of questions and concerns. As you begin to weigh your options, it’s important to have your voice heard, to be prepared and know what questions to ask your healthcare team.
Questions To Ask Your Doctor
Making an informed decision is vital. Ask your doctor questions to get the information you need. If you’re considering IBRANCE, these questions may help you and your family get the most out of your next conversation with your doctor:
What are my options for treating my advanced breast cancer?
If I were prescribed IBRANCE, are there any tests that would need to be done?
What do I need to know about treatment with IBRANCE?
What are the possible side effects of treatment?
Only you know your concerns and goals. Speaking up can help your doctor assess treatment options based on how they work with the disease and impact you. By working together, you are more likely to feel more informed and in a better position to understand which treatment plan will work for you.
Pātai mō tō tākuta
He maha ngā tūmomo whakamātautau ka mahia e te kaitohutohu hauora kia whakatau māuiui, pēnā ki enei:
He aha ōku nei whiriwhiringa rongoā mō tōku mate ūtaetae tūpoupou?
Mēna kua tūtohua au kia whakamahi i IBRANCE, me mahi i ētahi whakamātautau?
He aha ngā mea me mōhio au mā te rongoātia me IBRANCE?
He aha ngā panga kino pea ka puta nā te whakamahi i IBRANCE?
Ko koe anake e mōhio ana i ōu āwangawanga, i ōu whāinga. Mā te kōrero ka awhina i tō tākuta ki te waihanga i ngā rongoā pai mōu. Ka waihanga nā runga i ēnei, ngā āhuatanga ka puta nā te pāngia i a koe me ngā ahuatanga o te tūmomo māuiui. Mā te mahi tahi ka nui ake tō mōhiohio, ā, ka pai ake hoki tō whai māramatanga o te mahere whakapakari pātū pai mōu.
如果服用 IBRANCE, 我是否需要做一些测试?
关于 IBRANCE 的治疗我需要知道些什么?
使用 IBRANCE 治疗有哪些潜在的副作用?
Fesili E Te Fesiligia Ai Lau Foma’i
E tele siaki eseese e ono faatulaga e lau faufautua mo le tausiga o lou soifua maloloina, e ono aofia ai:
O ā ni togafitiga e mafai ona fai ai sa’u filifiliga mo le togafitia o le kanesa o lo’u susu lea ua sosolo?
Pe afai ua tusi mai e le foma’i le IBRANCE ou te inuina, pe iai nisi suesuega e faaono manaomia le faia?
O ā mea e moomia ona ou iloa e faatatau I togafitiga e faaaogā ai le IBRANCE?
O ā ni aafiaga e ono alia’e mulimuli ane pe a faaaogā le IBRANCE I togafitiga?
E na’o oe lava e te silafia lelei mea o loo e atugalu ai ma mea foi o loo e faanaunau i ai. O le faaleo atu o ou lagona e mafai ai e lau foma’i ona iloilo togafitiga e ono mafai ona e filifili e fai ia te oe, e fua i le faapefea ona aogā i le faama’i ma aafiaga e oo ai ia te oe. O le galulue soosoo tau’au, e mautinoa o le a e fiafia ai i le lelei ona faailoa atu mea ia te oe, ma lelei ai foi ona e malamalama poo lē fea togafitiga o le a aogā ia te oe.
Tips For Your Appointment
If you hear words you don’t understand, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor to use simple words or provide clarification to help you better understand your treatment. Consider bringing a notebook with your questions and to write down what you hear.
Also, try to bring a loved one or friend with you to your appointments. As well as providing emotional support, this person can help you remember important information.